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Monday, May 30, 2016


Despite military siege on his home, ex-mili­tant Leader, Chief Gov­ernment Ekpemupolo, on Sunday said he has no plans of deviating from the peace pact he entered into with the Federal Government in 2009 when he uncon­ditionally accepted the Presidential Amnesty Programme.

Tompolo, who is on the list of most wanted persons by the military, also called on mem­bers of the Niger Delta Avengers to cease at­tacking oil installations in the region in the interest of peace, not­ing that his people of Gbaramatu were being tormented innocently.
The former Leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) stated this in a plea letter to the rampaging mili­tants, whose activities were almost crippling the nation, telling them that the government was ready for dialogue.

He decried Saturday’s invasion and continued military siege on his Oporoza community as unwarranted as he was clean of all the al­legations leveled against him.
The Ibe-ebidouwei of Ijaw Nation, asked NDA to put an end to act of pipeline vandalism as it will not do the country any good, especially in this critical period of the country’s economic his­tory.
“I still maintain that I know nothing about your group and the de­struction of crude oil facilities in the Niger Delta region.

“That notwithstand­ing, for the love of coun­try and out of patrio­tism, I wish to appeal to you once again to stop the bombing of oil facili­ties in the Niger Delta region and embrace the path of dialogue with the Federal Government of Nigeria as the govern­ment is ready to hear you out on whatever is­sues you wish to discuss with it.”

Adding further, he said, “You guys know that I do not know you and how to reach you except through the mass media. If truly as you guys claimed that you are fighting for the well-being of the people of the Niger Delta, then you must adhere to this appeal, otherwise the world will label you as criminals.


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