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Monday, May 30, 2016


The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) may have handed Super Eagles caretaker coach, Salisu Yusuf and his assistants an opportunity of becoming the team’s substantive technical crew should they win the remaining international friendly against the national team of Luxembourg tomorrow.Sports Vanguard gathered from reliable sources at the federation that the NFF may have shelved the idea of hiring a foreign coach for the senior national team due to paucity of funds. 

Recall that the NFF president, Amaju Pinnick had earlier vowed to hire a foreign coach after the former team handler, Sunday Oliseh resigned his appointment unceremoniously, but all that may have changed because the federation is faced with other pressing needs at the moment. 
Our source also confirmed that the NFF had received some interest from some notable European coaches seeking to handle the Super Eagles, but the dwindling financial base of the football house, coupled with the glaring fact that the federal government may not be favourably disposed to the venture, may have forced a change of plan. 
However, when asked to comment on the issue, chairman of the technical committee of the NFF, Chris Green argued that the federation cannot restrict the Super Eagles coaching job to either Nigerian or foreign coaches, even as he added that all the qualified candidates would be contacted when the time comes. Nevertheless, Green, while accepting that the federation may not be in a position to foot the bill of a world class foreign coach, disclosed that the NFF would take the reasonable course of retaining the present coaches if they perform well with the two international friendly matches.
 “We are not going to wait for long before we choose a substantive coach for the Super Eagles. Already we have coaches that are on trial. We are currently looking at what they posses and the philosophy they are going to bring into the game. If they come up with qualities and a philosophy that will satisfy us, of course they will remain, but if they fail to satisfy us after the two friendly matches, we may not discard them, they will remain with the Super Eagles to understudy others. 
“I would not say that we have restricted the Super Eagles coaching job to either foreign or home based coaches; it is going to be an all comer’s affair. We have received so many applications and when the time comes we will open them,” stated Green who insisted that he does not know where the next substantive coach of the team will come from.


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