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Monday, May 30, 2016


Abuja—Minister of Environment, Mrs Amina Mohammed, has said that the implementation of the United Nations Environment Report, UNEP, will reduce crime and violence in Ogoni area of Rivers State.

Mohammed said this when she inspected the site of the flag-off of the implementation of the Report at Numuu-Tekuru, Bodo, Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State, yesterday. Mohammed reiterated the determination of the Muhammadu Buhari administration to the implementation of the UNEP report on Ogoniland to restore the livelihood of the people and bring back industries to the area.

The minister said: “The first commitment being made is the concerted effort being made by the government to actually implement the UNEP Report. A lot of work is being done by experts but, more importantly, it involves the communities. Mohammed said that the first commitment of government would be the inauguration of the implementation committee on June 2, then a critical assessment of the situation in the Niger Delta. Also speaking at the event, Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, acting Managing Director of NDDC, said that the commission has a commitment and a mandatory assignment to ensure that they were part of cleanup process. “Development is a big issue for us and commission’s assignment is to ensure development of every community. 

One of the biggest issues for the commission is the matter of the environment, to the extent that it was actually the reason why the commission was created,” she said. Semenitari said the commission was created to ensure sustainable livelihood, cleaner environment, more sustainable environment in the region from where oil exploration occurs. “Clearly, the commission has a commitment and a mandatory assignment to ensure that they are part of this process as long as it takes,” she said.


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