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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Article: Asians will be more fit than the rest of the world

What can we learn from having collected data from 127 countries and a couple of thousand users?

For one, we learned that people close to schools tend to be very ambitious in the beginning of the week using productivity apps (calendar, task handler etc.) while they on Fridays use more social apps (Facebook and Instagram), probably planning their weekend.

Steve Jobs continuously reminded us that there is an app for basically every situation. However, he did not tell us how we should find it. The mobile app is one attempt to ease the task for the users to find relevant apps in their situations or based on their taste. This is possible since Ericsson Apps is a community where users automatically share with each other which apps that are using in different areas. Ericsson Apps was silently launched on Google play just over one year ago. During the year, a couple of thousand users have found and installed the app.
Though the data collection is automatic the users are always in full control. In the app, the users can study a mirror perspective of what the system have learned about them, configure their privacy settings and at any time, free of charge, delete records directly from the database. And yes, all logs are anonymized to provide user privacy.
So, what can we learn? Well, since the customer base for Ericsson Apps is still relatively small we cannot draw any bigger conclusions. However, we can definitely see some interesting patterns among our users. Some examples are that Europeans seem to use more social apps than Asians and Americans, who use communication apps.


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