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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Article: HEVC – making video more available

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is a new video compression standard that offers double the data compression ratio at the same level of video quality. This is an innovation that could be a game changer for streaming video, as well as revolutionizing the user experience. 

Consumers are accessing video via broadband as never before, and it’s a trend that doesn’t look set to change anytime soon. Services such as Netflix, Hulu and YouTube are becoming increasingly popular, and few things irritate viewers more than video loading delay or uneven playback caused by network lagging.

HEVC technology will be crucial in terms of helping operators to keep pace with future multi-screen consumer demand, and how it can vastly improve the quality of the user experience in high definition TV (HDTV) and ultra high definition TV (UHDTV), further enhancing the performance of digitized live content capture, editing and archiving in the future.


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