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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Abormination!! A 10 year old boy caught stealing.

A small boy of about 10-11 years from Nortem Community State School was caught stealing cheese balls from a shop. The owner of the shop said the boy came to her shop and tried to collect an item while she was inside, fortunately, she came out and saw the boy. She was about to send the boy away when he brought 50 naira from his pocket and bought buiscuit.
According to eye witness, the girl closed her shop and left.

Later, the guy took excuse from his class teacher saying he wants to ease himself, he went to the shop and put his hand through the shop protector and tried to collect a pack of cheese balls from the bag when some group of boys and the neighboring shop people around caught up with him, they dragged him by his shirt to a corner and gave him a slap. They held the boy and started interrogating him, he said he hails from Zaakpon community in Khana LGA;  he also said he decided to steal because he was hungry and hasn't eaten anything since morning. The shop owner came and crossed over to the school and called the class teacher of the boy.
The class teacher came, flogged him and dragged him to the class.
The guy was looking hungry actually because his eye socket was inside like that of a cholera patient, his pants torn and his shirt dirty. His sandals was worn out and his head was full of craw-craw.
From the look of things, his parents is less concerned about his walfare.

Parents, Guardians beware!!!


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