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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cristiano injury scare

Real Madrid talisman, Cristiano Ronaldo suffered an injury relapse this morning during training.
The prolific attacker was said to have left training during the session. The injury was as a result of his collision with goal-keeper Kiko Casilla. Although the attacker assured fans that they have nothing to fear concerning the injury.
Real Madrid was training ahead of their UEFA Champions League clash with city rivals Atleti when the portuguese collided with the second choice goalie.
Cristiano Ronaldo during a game against Cordoba

However, the attacker has assured fans that there is nothing to worry about. "There's nothing serious, " Ronaldo said. "In a couple of days, I would be strong and fit to feature in the game".

The 31-year old has been in superb supposedly "bad season" where he aims to break his personal record of 17 goals set in the year 2014 when Madrid lifted the trophy edging past their city rivals Atleti.


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