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Monday, May 30, 2016

Breaking: Four year Old Boy Fall Into Gorilla Zoo Enclosure

Careless parent allowed their four years old son to craw into a 12 feet gorilla enclosure, this incident resulted to the shooting to death of the 400-pound gorilla named Harambe by Cincinnati Zoo officials just one day after his 17th birthday.
Many are blaming the parents of a four-year-old boy, for being careless to allow their son into such heart beating danger. The child was dragged by the gorilla (Harambe) in the water for about 10 minutes.
The small child said he wanted to get in the water before the incident, to which the mother, who was also watching several other children, replied: 'No, you're not, no, you're not,' according to one witness Kim O'Connor.
The zoo's animal response team assessed the 'life-threatening situation' and defended their decision to shoot Harambe rather than tranquilize him, but thousands took to social media to call it a 'murder'


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