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Friday, May 27, 2016


Messi and his father have been dragged to court
 – The Barcelona forward could miss Copa America opener
 – Neymar is also accused of tax evasion between 2011 and 2013 Barcelona star Lionel Messi will appear in court on June 2 over tax fraud allegations. Lionel Messi and his father Jorge, have been charged with three counts of tax fraud up to €4.1million.

 According to EFE, the Spanish agency, Messi will testify next week.
Messi reportedly tried to avoid trial on grounds that his father handled his tax payments. However, a state attorney ordered both of them to appear. Argentina national football team will have their captain in court, three days before Copa America match against Chile on June 6.
Gerardo Martino, the manager of the national team, said: “I think we should have no problem with his presence at the Copa America Centenario. If he suspected that there might be a problem, we would’ve said.” It would be recalled that Neymar is also accused of tax evasion between 2011 and 2013 and faces legal proceedings. The Brazilian was accused of setting up companies in his name to avoid paying taxes for his wealth. Prosecutors accuse Neymar of setting up companies as fronts in order to pay a lower rate of tax. They demand he pay 63.6 million reias ($16m; £11m) in allegedly undeclared taxes. 
The court ordered his assets be frozen to ensure the payment plus any possible fines, it said. An auditor with the federal tax agency told the Associated Press news agency that Neymar could still appeal the decision and that he was unlikely to face jail.


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