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Monday, June 13, 2016


Would you like to get back the natural colour and radiance of your hair that you once had? Now you can have healthy and strong hair and also prevent further hair loss and greying of hair. Let us take a look at some of the ways in which we can prevent premature greying of hair with methods that can be easily practised at home and are mainly free of cost or cost very little.

Incorporating the right food items in your diet is an absolute must. Modern diets are likely to create acidosis in the blood which cause several diseases and is responsible for premature greying of hair and hair fall. Include food items in your diet that create an alkaline balance. Gently steamed kale, chard, watercress and spinach are excellent for the growth of healthy hair. Steamed or baked root vegetables like turnip, beetroot and carrot also belong to this category. Drinking low or caffeine-free teas like peppermint and green teas can also work wonders.

Use a mild shampoo and conditioner to clean your hair. Before buying your shampoo and conditioner, read the labels carefully. Harsh chemicals are very bad for the hair. They cause premature greying of hair. Stimulate your scalp by brushing your hair twice daily with a soft bristle brush. Brush both forwards and backwards to stimulate and nourish your hair follicles. This will encourage blood circulation and enable the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles and prevent premature greying of hair.


Do get enough rest and find ways to unwind and live a stress-free life. In case you have children, relax and plan properly. Also, develop good habits in order to lead a stress-free life. This will prevent premature greying of hair. Another way of preventing premature greying of hair is by treating your hair with the all natural coconut oil overnight. Massage coconut oil into your hair before going to sleep and leave it overnight. Next morning shampoo it off. It will keep your hair healthy and shining and also prevent premature greying.

The more you integrate these healthy habits and lifestyle techniques into your life, the more likely you will have healthy and strong hair. This will also help in maintaining the natural colour of your hair and prevent premature greying.


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