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Monday, June 13, 2016


Across the world, Muslims are observing Ramzan, the holy month of the lunar calender. During this holy month, they fast during daylight and eat after sundown. They eat 2 meals per day, one known as Suhoor and the other known as the Iftar. Lack of food and water during the day could take a toll on a person's health and well-being and also make fasting quiet challenging.

Indulging in over-eating sessions or filling yourself up with an unhealthy diet could cause an irreparable damage to your health.

Thus, it is highly imperative to have a well-balanced diet in these two meals. And that is why, today at Boldsky, we're letting you know about 3 important nutritional tips that one must follow during this sacred time. These noteworthy tips might strike as generic, but these will play a key role in preventing digestive system-related problems and keep other health issues at bay.

Following these tips will ensure a hassle-free, devoted month of fasting. Take a look at these.

1. Have Lighter Dishes In Iftar

When you break your fast in the evening, it is imperative to indulge in lighter foods and stay away for heavy, spicy food. Lighter foods are easy to digest and won't lead to any digestive problem.

2. Have Fruits And Vegetables

Having fruits and vegetables that are packed with essential nutrients are considered particularly good during the 2 meals of the day. Also, reach out for the ones with a large amount of water in it. This way, you will stay hydrated as well.

3. Have Protein And Carbohydrate-rich Foods In Suhoor

Food items that are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates can benefit your health and keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. Hence, have almonds, oatmeal, beans, lentils, etc, in Suhoor for your daily dose of nutrition.



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