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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Upclose and Personal: Meet Late Apostle Numbere's son; KAYDEE.

The upcoming gospel artist made a guest appearance in the studios of the Nigerian Info Fm Port Harcourt divas' show, the MDD(mid-day dialogue); anchored by presenters Joy Eberebe and Adora Okoli.
KD Numbere was in Port Harcourt for a gospel music show, a show the Nigerian Info fm PHC was the media partner. He was invited to the studio to give a preview of the show and to tell his fans what to expect.

Well, here you have it, the best statements of the interview:

Joy: why did you decide to go for highlife music?
KD: *laughs* actually, I ventured into highlife because of my father, he's my inspiration, my church also, we do alot of highlife.

Joy: what song did you gain father's inspiration?
KD: yah, ehm... I actually did the famous song "Praise the Lord, o sing o sing o Praise the Lord; I did it in reggae.

Joy: you do reggae?
KD: sure, when the spirit leads, I do reggae.

joy: whats your profound moment?
KD: It all happened when I was on stage, the holy spirit descended and the whole church was quiet, then I stopped singing, to savour the moment and let the spirit have his way.

joy: wow! I can imagine the atmosphere. ok; tell us about your embarrassing moment?
KD:*chuckles* embarrassing moment.....????? yah! that was during my NYSC, we formed a singing group, we decided to sing on the day of a fellowship in camp, during a vigil, you wont believe it; we sang badly, to the extent that people clamoured we left the stage immediately. Even after that day, people who recognized us was like; "I think you were amongst the group that sang that night?", trust me.....I vehemently denied it.

*both laughing*

Joy: It must have been a terrible experience. well, thanks for your time but before you go; whats your message to your fans?
KD: To my fans; I would never disappoint....and watch out! am cooking something and keep listening to good music.


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